New Catalogue: A Metaphysics of Eroticism

A Metaphysics of Eroticism is the second in a series of thematic catalogues being published by the Agustín Fernández Foundation as part of its ongoing effort to develop scholarship about the artist and to formally document the large body of Fernández’s oeuvre.


The catalogue’s central essay is by Donald Kuspit and focuses on Fernández’s drawings. It provides us astute reflections about Fernández’s work on paper – which to date only a few scholars have focused on exclusively- and helps open new directions for grappling with the work of an artist who has been called highly enigmatic

This catalogue also includes a short piece written by gallerist Mitchell Algus, in which he shares recollections of certain conversations and interactions he had with Fernández. Mitchell Algus’ very personal contribution was written for readers who might be curious about who Fernández was as a person. 

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