
Monographs and Catalogues 

“Agustín Fernández: I am a Painter of the Brush”. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, New York [illus.][texts by Elizabeth Thompson Goizueta, Hector Feliciano], 2023.

“Agustín Fernández: Armaduras”.  Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, Ed. Gean Moreno, [illus.][texts by Gean Moreno, Jonathan Katz], 2020.

“Agustín Fernández: Paradoxe de la Jouissance”. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, Cassi Edition, Paris, France [illus.][text by Jeanette Zwingenberger], 2018.

“Form’s Transgresions: The Drawings of Agustín Fernández”. The Patricia Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, and the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame [illus.][text by Ricardo Pao-Llosa], 2013.

“Agustín Fernández: The Metamorphosis of Experience”. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, 5 Continents Editions, Milano, Italy [illus.][texts by Susan Aberth, Rocio Aranda-Alvarado, Donald Kuspit, Abigail McEwen], 2012.

Agustín Fernández: A Retrospective. The Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida [illus.][texts by Giulio V, Blanc and Juan Martinez], unpaginated, 1992.

Kenedy, R.C. “Agustín Fernández”. Ed. Joseph A. Novak, New York [illus.], unpaginated, 1973.

Articles and Reviews

“Agustín Fernández en Nuestro Tiempo”. Diario de la Marina, March 30, 1952. Havana, Cuba.

“Agustín Fernández expone cuadros en la Unión Panamericana”. May 8, 1954. Havana, Cuba.

“Cuadro de Agustín Fernández.” El Mundo. April 24, 1955, p B10 [illus].

“Agustín Fernández.” Pintores Cubanos, Ediciones R., Havana [illus.] [texts by Oscar González Hurtado/Edmundo Desnoes], p 235, Cuba, 1962.

“Exposición del Portafolio de Agustín Fernández.” Galeria. The Miami Herald, [illus.] August 5, 1978.

“New Jersey Monthly.” May 1980. [illus] Picture donated by Dorothy Miller.

Livres de Notre Temps:Livres‑Objects‑Livres Illustres. Nicaise Catalogue, Librairie Nicaise, Paris, France, 1968.

La enciclopedia de Cuba. Book 5. Artes. Sociedad. Filosofía, Enciclopedia y Clásicos Cubanos, Inc., Ed. Playor, S.A., Madrid [illus.], p 239‑240, Spain, 1975.

“Agustín Fernández.” Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba. exh. cat. Office of Hispanic Arts, Rutgers University, New Jersey/Research Institute for Cuban Studies, University of Miami, Florida [illus.], p 136‑141, U.S, 1988.

 “A. Fernández Retrospective.” Éxito, Miami, Florida. Vol 2 No 43. October, 28, 1992. p 3- 45 [illus].

“A. Fernández Retrospective.” Miami Today, Miami, Florida, October 29, 1992.

“Agustín Fernández en Nina Menocal.” El Universal, México D.F. October 19, 1994. [illus].


Aberth, Susan L. “The Theater of Cruelty: The Impact of Parisian Surrealismon Agustín Fernández 1959–1968.” Agustín Fernández: The Metamorphosis of Experience. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, 2012.

Ackermann, Julie. “Punk, biotech et cyborg : Agustín Fernández, l’artiste inconnu à redécouvrir d’urgence.” Les Inrockuptibles, 2018
Alvarez Bravo, Armando. “Victor Gomez: cuatro grabados.” El Nuevo Herald, Noviembre, 12 1989. p 1D -14D. [illus].

_________. “Galería. De Ronda” El Nuevo Herald, April 8, 1992, p 1D

_________.  “Poder latino, fuerte presencia latinoamericana de New York.” El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida, May, 31 1992.  p 5D [illus].

_________. “Conquistando el tiempo.” El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida, Gallery Section [illus.], p 1D-4D, November 1, 1992.

_________. “Agustín Erótico.” De Ronda El Nuevo Herald, June 1,1997. [illus] p 6E, Miami, Florida.

__________. “Siete artistas latinoamericanos para una nueva galeria.” Galeria Section. El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida, January 25, 1998, p 3E.

__________. “Agustín Fernández en grande.” Artes y Letras Section. El Nuevo Herald. Dec 12, 1998.  p 2E. Miami, Florida.

__________. “Agustín Fernández en Washington.” Artes y Letras Section. El Nuevo Herald. January 30, 2000. p 2E. [illus].

__________. “Agustín Fernández. La Escultura de un Maestro.” Artes y Letras Section. El Nuevo Herald. July 30, 2000. p 2E [illus].

__________. “Agustín Fernández, la maestría a pulso.” Artes y Letras Section. El Nuevo Herald, November 20, 2000. p 1E- 2E. [illus].

Amaya, Mario. “Agustín Fernández.” World Art, New York, May, 1980.

Anderson, Dennos and Bowler, Graeme. “Agustín Fernández.” Arts Magazine, New York, Vol.54, No.7, June, 1980.

Aranda-Alvarado, Rocio. “Only In New York: Agustín Fernández and the Aesthetics of Subculture .” Agustín Fernández: The Metamorphosis of Experience”. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, 2012.

Ashbery, John. “Photos Show Vuillard Deft with Camera.”(Mai Salon) New York Herald Tribune, Paris, May 8, 1963.

_________. “Painters Return to Using Brushes.” Herald Tribune, Paris, France, May 9, 1962.

_________. “Avant Garde Sculpture.” Herald Tribune, Paris, France, 1962.

Barco, Ramón. “Agustín Fernández: importante pintor cubano.” El Mundo, Puerto Rico, May 3, 1980, p 23.

B, R “Objets-tableaux de Fernández.” Paris Press, Paris, June 15, 1966.

Bessega, Martín. “Exposición de Agustín Fernández.” Venezuela, 1959.

Binswanger, Daniel. “The Coincident Eye.” exh. cat. The Coincident Eye. Hans Bellmer, Agustín Fernández, Robert Mapplethorpe, 123 Watts Gallery, New York [illus.], p.2- 4, May 22-June 29, 1997.

Blanc, Giulio V. “Agustín Fernández: de Paris a New York.” exh. cat. Agustín Fernández: A Retrospective, The Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida [illus.], unpaginated, October 30‑November 25, 1992.

Bosio, Philippe. “Agustín Fernández of Cuba and Elmar Rojas of Guatemala.” U.S./Latin Trade, Miami, Florida, November-December, 1993. p 50.

Bosquet, Alain. “L’Ambition du Peintre.” Le Combat, [éditorial page], Paris, France, May 22, 1962.

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” Le Combat, [éditorial page], Paris, France, October 4, 1962.

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” La Cote des Peintres, Paris, France, November, 1964.

_________. “Agustín Fernández. Un peintre post-surréaliste.” Le Combat, Paris, France, June 13, 1966.

Burbakis, Jorge C. “Agustín Fernández.” Vanidades, Miami, Florida, June, 1979, p 30- 3?.

Carreño, Mario. La Plástica Cubana de Hoy. Panorama. Revista Interamericana de Cultura, Pan American Union, Vol II, Numero 5. Washington D.C., 1953.

Castro Arines, José de. “Agustín F. Mederos.” Información, Madrid, Spain, May 12, 1953.

Cisneros Morales, Jorge. “La Estética Mecánica de Agustín Fernández.” Cultura. El Nacional. October 20, 1994, p 37. 

Chesser, Lisa. “Cuban Surrealist Explores Man vs. Bondage of Machines.” The Beacon Weekend. The Student Newspaper at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, Vol.4, No.9 [illus.], October 29, 1992.

Cohen, David. “Agustín Fernández: installation shots at Mitchell Algus.” New York Sun, Arts & Letters. July 7, 2005.

Conde, Yvonne M. “Un día en la vida de… Una relación muy intima con la deidad.” Séptimo Día Sección. Hoy, February 4, 2001. p 2 [illus]. New York 

Cotter, Holland. “Agustín Fernández : Paintings and Works on Paper.” The New York Times, March 5, 2015.

Damián, Carol. “Agustín Fernández. The Art Museum” Art Nexus, Bogotá, No.8 [illus.], p.196-197, Colombia, April- June, 1993.

Dannatt, Adrian. “¡Viva Agustín Fernández! (at Algus).” The Arts Newspaper, No 159, June 2005, p 30. 

Dawson, George. “Agustín Fernández.” Arts Magazine, p. 68, Dec 1959.

Duncan, Barbara and Damián Bayón. Recent Latin American Drawings (1969- 1979)/ Lines of Vison. The International Exhibition Foundation, Washington D.C. 1977, p 23- 24, 57 [illus].

Edwards, Ellen. “Sexual Symbolism.” The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida, July 1, 1979.

Echerri, Vicente. “Tres rostros (o mascaras) de una cultura.” El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida, p 2E, May 23, 2004,

Feliciano, Hector. “Memoirs/Memorias.” Agustín Fernández: I am a Painter of the Brush, Ed. The Agustin Fernandez Foundation, New York, 2023.

Fernández, Jesse. “Agustín Fernández.” San Juan Star, Sunday Magazine, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 13, 1973. (Photos by Roso Sabalones)

Fernández, Sebastián. “In Context.” exh. cat. In Context. Hans Bellmer, Victor Brauner, Joseph Cornell, Agustín Fernández, Wifredo Lam, Roberto Matta, Carlos Merida. [illus], p 2-4, April 17- May 30. 123 Watts Gallery, New York.

Ferreira, Ramón. exh. cat. Agustín Fernández: Oleos, Gouaches, Lyceum, Havana, 1 p., Cuba, April 28‑May 10, 1955.

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” San Juan Star, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1959.

_________. “Agustín Fernández y la realidad de lo ambiguo”. El Nuevo Día, Domingo Suplement. San Juan Puerto Rico.  January, 6 1991, p 13-15. 

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” El Nuevo Día, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1992/ 1993.

_________. “La Metamorfosis de Agustín Fernández.” El Nuevo Día, San Juan, Domingo, Febrero 14, 1993. p 12-15. 

Frejaville, Eva. “Ambiente de Agustín Fernández.” Diario de la Marina, La Habana, Cuba. Enero 3, 1958.

Gallo, Rubén. “Agustín Fernández y la estética posmoderna.” exh. cat. Agustín Fernández. Oleos y Dibujos 1969‑1994, Galería Nina Menocal, México City [illus. fold-out], unpaginated, México, October 19, 1994.

Garcia Cisneros, Florencio. La Colección Martinez Cañas. Libertad, Miami, Florida, Sept 26, 1975, p 20.

_________. Información Cultural. Noticias del Arte, March – April, 1976.

Gatelier, Gaston. “Plus des Démons que des Merveilles.” Arts et Loisirs, Paris, France, May 10‑16, 1967.

Gomez, Ivonne. “Roberto Paris. Arte, espacio y luz.” El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida. October 17, 1998, p 1E- 3E [illus] 

Goizueta, Elizabeth Thompson. “Farewell to the Baroque: Agustín Fernández and the Ambiguity of Memory/¿Adiós al barroco? Agustín Fernández y la ambigüedad de la memoria.” Agustín Fernández: I am a Painter of the Brush, Ed. The Agustin Fernandez Foundation, New York, 2023.

Gomez Reinoso, Ramón. “Los artefactos sensuales de Agustín Fernández.” ArtNews, New York, 1980.

Gomez Sicre, José. Art of Cuba in Exile. Editora Munder, Miami, Florida [illus.], p.183, 1987

Hale, Herbert D. “Agustín Fernández.” ArtsNews, New York, Vol.57, No.8, December, 1958.

Horton, Anne. “Agustín Fernández.” Latin American Art, Scottsdale, Arizona [illus.], p 89‑90, October- November ? 1992.

_________. exh. cat. Agustín Fernández, Gary Nader Fine Art Editions, Coral Gables, Florida, [illus.], unpaginated, 1993.

Jouffroy, Alain. exh. cat. Agustín Fernández, Galleria del Cavallino, Venice, Italy, April 18‑27, 1960.

_________. “Clé pour Fernández.” exh. cat. Agustín Fernández, Galerie Furstenberg, Paris, France, October 11‑November 2, 1960.

_________. “L’Obsession comme Méthode de Pensée.” exh. cat. Galerie du Cercle, Paris, France, 1962.

Juin, Hubert. “Une Question de Détail.” exh. cat. Agustín Fernández. Objects and Paintings, Galerie Jacqueline Ranson, Paris, France, 1966.

Katz, Jonathan. “Agustín Fernández and the Erotic Analogy.” cat Agustín Fernández: Armaduras, Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, 2020.

Kaufman, Betty. “Agustín Fernández.” World Art, New York, April-March, 1979.

Keane, Tim. “Art on the Threshold of Visual Perception: Agustín Fernández’s visual innuendos seduce the viewer into lingering the threshold of visual perception.” Hyperallergic, October 28, 2021.

Kenedy, Robert. “Agustín Fernández.” Art International, Letter from Paris, New York, October, 1966.

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” Art International, Letter from Paris, New York, May, 1967.

_________. “Agustín Fernández.” Art International, New York, October, 1972.

Kley, Elizabeth. “Agustín Fernández.” New York Press, New York. Art Seccion, May 2005.

Kohen, Helen. “Stunning show feature Cuban artist’s life works.” The Miami Herald, November 1, 1992 p 1I-7I. [illus]

__________. Agustín Fernández untranscribed interviews/slide, 1996. Smithsonian Archives of American Art. Washington D.C.

__________. “Arte de Cuba.” Galleries. The Miami Herald. November, 19 1993. p 15G. [illus].

Kramer, Hilton. “Four Latin American Cosmopolitan Stylists.” The New York Times, New York, November 29, 1969.

Kuspit, Donald. “The Fetishized Breast and the Phallic Woman: Agustín Fernández’s Surreal Imagery.” Agustín Fernández: The Metamorphosis of Experience. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, 2012.

Lastra, Luis. “Un cuadrado a la pintura.” Ciclón, Havana, Vol. I, No.3, pp.55‑56, Cuba, May, 1955.

Lazaro, Angel. “Agustín, camino de sí mismo.” Carteles, Havana, Cuba, April 20, 1952.

__________. “Cuadro de Agustín Fernández.” Carteles, Havana, Cuba, May 1, 1955. [illus]

Leveque, Jean Jacques. “Pourquoi les Objecteurs.” Arts et Loisirs, Paris, France, May 4‑10, 1966.

__________.  “ Eros est malade. ” Arts Paris, June 15, 1966.

__________.  “ Un Aristocrate. ” Arts Paris, 1967.

L.R. “Agustín Fernández. A Retrospective.” New Times, Miami, Florida, Vol.7, No.28 [illus.], The Calendar, October 28-November 3, 1992.

Luis, Carlos M. “Eros et Malade.” Arts et Loisirs, Paris, France, June 15, 1966.

__________. “Trayectoria del Cubismo en Cuba.” Linden Lane Magazine, p 24- 26, 1994.

Marquina, Rafael. “Exposición Fernández. Vida Cultural y Artística.” Información, Havana, Cuba, April 3, 1952.

__________. “Cuadro de Agustín Fernández.” El Mundo, Domingo, April 24, 1955, Havana, Cuba. [illus]

__________. “Exposición de  pintura de Agustín Fernández en el Lyceum.” Correo semanal de las artes y las letras. Rotograbado. Información. May 8, 1955. p F8. Havana, Cuba.

Martinez, Juan. “A Preliminary Study of Agustín Fernández. Formative Phase.” exh. cat. Agustín Fernández: A Retrospective, The Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, unpaginated, October 30‑November 25, 1992. [illus].

McEwen, Abigail. “Erotic Encounters: Fernández and Post-Minimalism.” Agustín Fernández: The Metamorphosis of Experience. Ed. The Agustín Fernández Foundation, 2012.

McEwen, Abigail. “Agustín Fernández, The Enigma of Desire.”, Art Nexus. Vol. 85, No.11, 2012 [illus.], pp. 60-65.

Melara, Sonia. “De la gran manzana a la urbe salvadoreña.” La Prensa Grafica. Dec 1, 2004. p 95. San Salvador, El Salvador. [illus].    

Molina, Antonio J. “Agustín Fernández en Puerto Rico.” Puerto Rico Ilustrado, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1969.

 _________. “Agustín Fernández, retrospectiva en la Universidad.” San Juan Star, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1974.

_________. “Agustín Fernández en la Galería Colibrí.” Fotos Gabriel Suau. 1973. Puerto Rico Ilustrado, Puerto Rico. 

Molinos, Jorge. “Revelación de un gran pintor cubano.” Carteles, Havana, Cuba, 1951.

Montane, Diana. “Latin American art critic gets international forum.” The Miami News, Miami. August 13, 1987. [illustration of Ricardo Pau-Llosa’s collection]

_________.  “Agustín Fernández: una búsqueda de cuatro décadas.” Exito, Miami, Florida, November 4, 1992. p 54 – 55

Moreno, Gean. “The Late Middle Ages of the Twentieth Century: On Agustín Fernández’s Armadura Paintings”. cat Agustín Fernández: Armaduras, Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, 2020.

Morrow Jones, Nathan. “Agustín Fernández: Hole in the Wall. cat. Agustín Fernández: Hole in the Wall, The Leon Tovar Gallery, 2018.

Nechvatal, Joseph. “The Erotically Charged Technophilia of Cyberpunk Paintings”, Hyperallergic, June 12,2018.

Novak, Joseph A. “Harsh Symbols.” Puerto Rico’s News Review, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 29, 1973.

O’Connor, John J. “Catalyst for the Latin America.” Wall Street Journal, New York, Dec 1, 1969.

Offin, Charles Z. “Agustín Fernández.” Pictures on Exhibit, New York, October, 1955, p16.

Oliva, Rosa. “Un Mural de Agustín Fernández.” Diario de la Marina, Domingo January, 26, 1958. [illus]

Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. “Latin America’s Magical Realism.” Art International, New York, Autumn, 1990.

Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. “Form’s Transgressions: The Drawings of Agustín Fernández.” cat. Form’s Transgresions: The Drawings of Agustín Fernández, The Patricia Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, and the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, 2023.

Poroner, Palmer. “Sensuality and Eroticism.” Art Speak, New York, Vol. II, No.2, May 22, 1980.

Porter, Fairfield. “Agustín Fernández.” ArtNews, New York, Vol.54, No.7, p. 52, November, 1955.

Portner, Leslie Judd. “Three Bright New Shows.” The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., May 2, 1954.

Posada, Joaquín de. Sección Notas Cubanas Dominicales. Diario de las América, Miami, Florida, Abril 4, 1976.

Protzman, Ferdinand. “Cuba’s Rouge Rider. Testosterone Powers the Paintings of Agustín Fernández.” The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., Dec 23, 1999, p C6 [illus.] 

Quiñones Otal, Emilia. “Fernández, Irizarry y Silveira, Gráfica y abstracción geométrica.” cat Fernández, Irizarry y Silveira, Gráfica y abstracción geométrica, Museo de Arte UPRM, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2021.

Rexer, Lyle. “Agustín Fernández at Mitchell Algus.” Art in America. New York, May 2006, p 193 [illus]

Sanchez  Camargo. “Agustín Fernández Mederos.” Pueblo, Madrid, Spain, May 13, 1953.

Selz, Jean. “L’Erotisme dans la Peinture Contemporaine.” La Galerie des Arts, Paris, France, April 1963.

Sigardo, Miguel A. “Agustín Fernández. Más de Cuatro Décadas de Arte”. El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida,  May ¿? 2005, p ¿? [illus.]

Suarez Solís, Rafael. “Agustín Fernández o la explicación inexplicable.” Diario de la Marina, Havana, Cuba, March 30, 1952.

_________.  “Agustín Fernández en el Lyceum.” Rotograbado del Diario de la Marina. Havana, Cuba. May 1955. 

Taillander, Yvon. “Un oeil neuf pour apprendre a voir.” La Galerie des Arts, Paris, France, October, 1963.

_________. “Pourquoi et comment les surréalistes ont réhabilité l’object.” La Galerie des Arts, Paris, France, March, 1964.

_________. “Un Siecle d’Angoisse.” XXme. Siècle, XXVIe Annee, No.23, Paris, France, May, 1964.

_________. “Le Gardien du Phare.” cat. Agustín Fernández. Objects and Paintings, Galerie Jacqueline Ranson, Paris, France, May, 1966.

Torre, Mario de la (ed.). AGPA. Artes Gráficas Panamericanas. [texts by Octavio Paz and Stanton L. Catlin] [illus], Colombia‑Mexico‑Venezuela, 1979.

Traba, Marta. “Hombre americano a todo color” Editorial Universidad Nacional. Museo de Arte Moderno, Ediciones Unidades. Colombia, December 1995 p 47-53. [illus]

Valdés Jr., Gustavo. “El color de la palabra. 32 Artistas cubanos.” Stet. Edición Especial, New York, Vol.1, No.2 [illus], pp.22‑23, Winter, 1992.

___________.  “Agustín Fernández an interview.” ARS atelier, New York, unpaginated, [illus] English/ Spanish, Winter/Spring, 2000.

Verne, George La and Martica Sawin. “Agustín Fernández.” Arts, New York, October, 1955, p 55.

Yehya, Naief. “Agustín Fernández.” Art Nexus, Bogota, Colombia. May ¿?, 2005, p 149-150.

Zwingenberger, Jeanette. “Agustín Fernández: Paradoxe de la Agustín Fernández: Paradoxe de la Jouissance, Ed. The Agustin Fernandez Foundation, Cassi Edition, Paris, France, 2018.

Artist Books / Book Illustrations / Editions

Vuelta de la antigua esperanza by Roberto Fernández Retamar, Illustration by Agustín Fernández. La Habana: Imp. Ucar García, 1959.

Four Cuban Masters [Cundo Bermudez, Mario Carreño, Mijares, Agustín Fernández]. Miami Press Publishers and Distributors, Inc., 1989, Miami, Florida (portfolio of silk-screens).

Fernández, Agustín. Brunidor IV. Portfolio. Ed. Robert Altmann, 1963‑64, Printer: Lacouriére et Frélaut [text by Gherasim Luca “Sept Slogans Orthophoniques”], Paris, France (engravings).

_________. 4 Livres Objectes. Printer Lacouriére et Frélaut/binding J.P.Miguet, 4 books w/ed, 1964 [text by Yvon Taillander/Alain Bosquet], Paris, France (7 engravings, 7 collages, 2 objects).

_________. Lettre à un genou. Portfolio. Printer: Lacouriére et Frélaut, 1964 [text by Alain Bosquet], Paris, France (engravings [7 dry ends]).

_________. Le Mille Pattes. Portfolio. Printer: Lacouriére et Frélaut, 1965 [text by Yvon Taillander], Paris, France (engravings [7 dry ends]).

_________. Latin American Portfolio. Ed. Galería Colibrí, 1970, Printer: Lacouriére et Frélaut, San Juan, Puerto Rico (engravings [2 dry ends]).

________. 20 Collages. Portfolio. Ed. Galería Colibrí, 1972, Printer: Colibrí Gallery [Text by R.C.Kenedy. “Breakfast in Bed”], San Juan, Puerto Rico (20 collages/silk-screens).

_________. Two Graphics. Ed. Agustín Fernández, Printer: George Miller, New York [edition for the San Juan Biennial of Latin American Engraving, 1976, San Juan, Puerto Rico] (engravings).

_________. Strings, Matches and Hooks. Master Editions, New York, Printer: George Miller, 1978 (3 collages/lithography and 3 lithographs).

_________. José Martí. Portfolio. Ed. Metropolitan Museum of Miami, 1979, Miami, Florida, Printer: George Miller, New York (18 poems by José Martí y 6 lithographs by Agustín Fernández).

_________. Icarus. Ed. Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia, 1980, Cali, Colombia, Printer: George Miller, New York (1 silkscreen).