Selected Oil Paintings Oil paintings 1970s 50s 60s 80s 90s and beyond Objeto, 1972Oil on Canvas, 50.25 x 48 inches, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University, Gift of Joe Novak.Trojan Horse, 1974Oil on Canvas, 68.75 x 68.75 inches, Private CollectionTrumpets, 1974Oil on Canvas, 60 x 42 inches, Private CollectionButtons, 1975Oil on Canvas, 70 x 68 inches, Private CollectionLas Tres Gracias, 1975Oil on Canvas, 50,125 x 46 inches, Museum of the OAS, Washington DCLa Grande Armure, 1975Oil on Canvas, 103.5 x 68.25 inches, The Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Gift of Jose M. Martniez-Cañas.Untitled, 1977Oil on Canvas, 76 x 58 inches, Private CollectionParterre, 1977Oil on Canvas, 34 1/5 x 29 1/6, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Gift of Janet Terry Kollock in honor of Mrs. Luther L. Terry.Green Image, 1978Oil on Canvas, 42x40 inches, Private CollectionAtenea Polimastia, 1978Oil on Canvas, 94 x 54 inches, Private Collection.Untitled, 1978Oil on Canvas, 70 x 68.25 inches, Private CollectionLeather Belt/The Night of the 1001 Belts, 1979Oil on Canvas, 71 .5 X 57.5 inches, Private Collection Selected Oil paintings Selected Drawings Selected Collages